This is the very last of the online Sunglasses series. It was a fun ride but now it is just over. I rather prefer to do things in pencil and very much it saves me time and energy and so this is the last one. Really it is the last one of the Sunglasses series you can find online drawn of the main title but perhaps not the last of the whole namesake.
This was an experience. I took a large break between 10 and 11 and then a bit for 12 and surely between 12 and 13 was like the span of many months like 6 months really and that is to say that a person had other stuff to work on and really much I was just to come back to this work when I was good and ready. Really much I decide that a person can experiment in another avenue and return to this one in a different method. It was fun getting views posting to a sexy reddit but that is over and one and really much whatever now. If a 1,000 people cannot be retained if not on Sunglasses but like 11 other works then I guess they aren't real fans at all but window shoppers. I am just to say that this work is still underrated and yes, this was just a version I did not need to create as there are works yet I did not release of recent still. This was a great test of the waters but whilst people could read this story for the sexual content they zoned out for the action and I think that's funny. O, I tried to use the sexual but people seem to not respect that maybe and greatly they are being direspectful by just seemingly trying to cancel a work in a space. I am not welcomed on many reddit I realize and ultimately who gives a fuck but there is no free speech there but just people gatekeeping. I don't add colors and all that shading and lighting jazz, the people have been spoiled like babies and if a person does not want to waste time nor get carpal tunnel for both drawing and coloring alot then that is their artistic decision. I am to say that this work has gotten some fans over time and did carry the site for a time but it was not enough to do anything to stay afloat on reddit at all.
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