Sunglasses Wintertribes 7
Posted by Jamie S Hinte October 24, 2019
Levi and Astral are forced to retreat back into their room of solitude based in another dimension when all of the followers of Mrs. Doom appear and plan to crash a party in which the Armada want to murder normal lovers Winter and Leon.
It was another day where Levi and Astral where battling and this time they spent it in the fourth floor of the library against the Yen attacking people on the other sides. Saying a woman and man called Jen and Blake. Nicole and Henry, a couple from this world and namely they found two people of this world, Winter and Leon.
Winter reminded Levi of Daphne whoever that was. And Leon reminded him of Tom who he played the Cyberpunk game with and he rated he was in a cyberpunk game but a frozen one. They were in a tent with candles in a cubicle meant for study.
Suddenly the steps of all the demons of Mrs. Doom appeared alongside the demons of the Armada, the commanders and the Yen soldiers. It was a fun sight they were having but the couple payed no attention to danger.
" Its time to end this and your plot to bomb the panhandle!" Levi yelled.
"Wait, Levi, we need to go!" Astral clamored.
Before they could be seen, Astral hid Levi in front of a bookcase alongside her and Levi used his Sunglasses to see the face of Mrs. Doom and all her commanders. These people had once been normal but where consumed in the ambition and power of the Jrunkiara Mother. A dark being who lived in the violent forest of red and agony, a separate realm of consciousness.
Astral used a portal to gobble them up before Mrs. Doom shouted," kill their love, people will only love as I say and will be tortured if they don't-there is no love like Mrs. Doom!" In them. The oblivious couple to harm and their many comic books and punk rock music that the mistress doom tried to destroy even though it could not ever by her minimal impact.
" There is someone there" The voice of the woman shouted and Astral pushed a willing to fight Levi into a portal and they were home. Aarmi sat on the couch and watched tv, " you guys back already! Need help?"
" No," Levi shouted, " we let that bitch go and we let this go on too damn long!"
Levi paused and started to remember a day where he, Tom and Daphne had played Cyberpunk ransom, listened to the cyberpunk Ransom soundtrack by very popular punk artists, pop artists and edm folk and even the comics and it was just a Cyberpunk Ransom day.
" are you okay?" Astral smiled from the vantage point of that Cyberpunk Ransom not ever being noticed. Her world was simply a winter version of this world and maybe he was just not the " Levi" of her world. He was just a replacement for maybe the mind of a dude before and she was just playing along pretending their relationship had but previously not been romantic. These thoughts splashed before as he went through a haze. And say her pretty face, reminding him of a girl called Abril. He smiled, " I am okay". He haunched over.
" don't look like it!" Aarmi and Astral called. Levi placed himself on his bed and smiled.
He looked at Aarmi, she reminded him of the girl in his dream before.
" I, say" Levi clamored dizzy, " we better get back out there and make a damn difference".
The couple of course had been placed in a field near Castle 19. Demons were waiting.
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