Sunglasses Wintertribes 4



Levi and Astral are separated after defeating Valeria Strong and her drones are forced to fight two other members of the Armada alone with their drones.

Suddenly a smoke appeared of Bambi Hines, the captured child underworlder or person from the other reality/ other world with her capturers- a tall dude and girl who were a boyfriend and girlfriend pairing from atop of a passageway from behind Astral and Levi. " cover!" Astral smiled.

" roger!" Levi shouted and triumphed as Yen soldiers filled the fray, kicking two members of the Yen in their faces.  Astral distanced theirselves and soon they were far apart and distant from each other. Levi smiled, " cupcakes"
"reign, this doom" Astral chirped as two silhouettes appeared of the next challengers to a peaceful order.

Emiliao Frawn  appeared and was shakened in a frenzy that could only be described of a crazy person, " kill them, now!"

f. Touchy Mickahandy appeared and quipped, " I want to touch them! I want to touch them".

Levi wondered why he was always chased and threatened by the retards of the Yen soldiers it was time to fight, break some blood and some teeth. He actually yelled that but in the language of the electric text, " wintertribes".


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