Sunglasses Wintertribes 3.




Levi and Astral battle Valeria Strong and her grunts.

Soon Valeria Strong appeared as if from one of the conjoining castles. The haze of morning brightened everything and Levi smiled. Astral did to. "let's go".

" How about this for a morning routine" Astral smiled knocking down a row of Yen soliders.

" yeaph" Levi screamed as he frozen another group leading Valeria Strong to charge pulling out her samurai sword. Astral forced the sword from her grasp. Valeria Strong stumbled and struggled at the thought her " samurai sword" was gone and mouthed those words. They kicked her in her stomach running in this moment she was unfurled and unsteady. She yelled. Or call say of this demon," helled".

" grand, its done" They pulled at Valeria Strong's arms opposing and flipped her now that she was free of her sword. Levi froze her in place and she screamed. Levi and Astral let go and smiled at each other. She screamed even has her voice became an echo in the ice," MRS. DOOM will get you! She always wins!"


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