Sunglasses Wintertribes 23.

Posted by Jamie S Hinte  October 25, 2019


Levi engages Bash to save Abril and Astral levels the rest of the followers and battles the Cerberus group. Abril recalls that "she remembers Levi and that he always saved her".

" it's over!" Said the soulless Cerberus group in lazy retort. " right!" Levi quipped, " STEAL MY WORDS CAUSE YOU HOLD ONTO A DREAM, A NIGHTMARE!"

BASH interrupted. Levi slashed cutting into her. She yelled wrenching. Astral appears and engaged the Cerberus group with horned owls that exploded. They doubled back, so did Astral and Levi found the explosive wrappings of mummy BASH around his sword.

They about to explode Abril seeing called, Levi," I have remembered YOU- you WILL  survive! Think and believe".

Levi dropped his swords and sent them threw Bash's jacket. "FORE!" Astral saw the signal and yelled, " black dark vapor string!" Beams of black came out and streaked the Cerberus group, striking them and nailing Bash in the back. BASH started to collapse. The swords ignited and explode mini explosions melting Bash's armor inner revealed in the explosion.

The fire caught on the swords grazed the sides of two Cerberus. The strings of dark reached through everyone in its targeted path. Levi retrieved his swords. Astral stood at the other side. The downed people weren't getting up. The bloodhound were still trying to move. Mrs. Doom hovering amongst the downed yen generals and soldiers looked down hopelessly, "......I, still won't be caught".


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