

 Hmm for the past 2 years have not been able to post much as I want to. Had to wait a minute to get rid of toxic of people from viewing the blog. You see it's that just important to have a good audience which I don't. Do not feel comfortable sharing anything more after the disastrous fall 2022 and ongoing issues since fall 2013. It's clear I cannot even post anything for my blogs as people are bitter and they seek only to do wrong as that is their whole thesis of right. I think  out of the courage it took to stand up for what is right today as Joe Biden spoke and responded with a prideful smile. I think it takes courage to shutter a blog but ultimately that is what I have to do. Goodbye.

Romu titles


Sunglasses Wintertribes 1

 Levi and Astral, known as the inseparable duo, lived in a world shrouded by darkness and oppression. It was said that the evil Black Queen ruled the land, spreading fear and tyranny among its inhabitants. But Levi and Astral were different; they possessed a unique gift, a power that the Black Queen feared. They were wielders of Astral Wind, an ancient force that only a few could harness. On this particular morning, as the sun's rays filtered through the dense woods near the Black Castle, Levi and Astral woke up, feeling a sense of purpose stirring within them. The Astral Wind seemed to whisper to them, guiding them towards an important mission. As they stepped out of their hidden room inside Castle 19, they breathed a sigh of relief. Within the castle's walls, they found solace and safety from the oppressive forces that sought to extinguish their light. The Astral Winders had an unbreakable bond, a connection forged through shared trials and victories. Their first task of the ...

Mm culture documentary

 So after years there will be a documentary on my work. I will make a production about mm culture itself and stuff of that nature. A grand production.

Kyeombi does continue.

 Here it is; so basically I am just a one man team and really cannot do everything but as I am not willing to share this effort for the fears of legal issues of others trying to claim my work and just not being well liked by other artists- things will be done as I can logical get to it alone. I have decided that I will not ask for money and just continue to do my works alone. For the fact of past expansionism has worked out well. Basically got to do something different with Kyeombi in general than mentioned in the past. It's not about the people looking outside in but about me and my goals. I know there are no real supporters for Kyeombi and I am not going to push it past the means of what I am able to do currently. I really don't care about people who contribute nothing and well it is what it is.


 Comics that nobody reads.

Mysterious and Changer v 4

 The decision is to conclude the first series with this volume and move onto a new series. It will be pretty cool. Who cares if no one reads it.